Friday, June 3, 2011

Delta Deconstructed Part 2 // "Action/Reaction"

This second spot that we completed for Delta, “Action/Reaction”, directed by Lance Accord of Park Pictures, is a black and white split screen piece that mirrors the actions of Delta customers against the actions of the Delta Airlines service. With the screen divided either vertically or horizontally, the spot elegantly illustrates how a customer’s action engenders a reaction in kind from Delta and vice versa, highlighting everything from Delta mobile apps to in-flight service.    

As with “Reach”, the use of CG in this spot was subtle but necessary to enhance the spot.  Referring specifically to the shot in the piece that reflects the shadow of a plane on the ground with the reflection of the pilots walking toward their aircraft, the CG team was able to use an aircraft model that the created (see image in previous post) to animate the plane’s shadow against the timing of the pilots’ walking movement.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Delta Deconstructed Part 1 // "Reach"

In this elegant black and white spot for Delta, the use of 3D was subtle but essential.  Directed by Ellen Kuras of Park Pictures, the first spot, “Reach”, features iconic shots of various locations around the globe: the London Eye in London, the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Brooklyn Bridge in New York to name a few.  Each shot in the spot focuses skyward highlighting both the recognizable features of the locale as well as the Delta plane flying overhead to emphasize the varied locations that Delta services.  It is in these skyward shots where the Smoke & Mirrors CG team came into play.  
various Delta planes, modeled and textured

Charged with integrating the Delta aircrafts into each scene, the team first created the airplane based on references provided by the agency, Weiden + Kennedy.  

Then, the team expertly tracked the plane into each scene, adjusting the lighting for realistic and seamless incorporation into the spot.

Check back tomorrow for more on the other Delta spot we worked on "Action/Reaction".